Monday, August 2, 2010

Back home in KL

Hi there, as you can see, finally I am back in KL.

So nice to be back where I can watch TV the way I want it.
Dad has stopped shouting when I am standing in the chair. He realize I can handle it now.

Mum and I enjoy spending time on the sofa, we play around,
but are keeping an eye on the TV as well.

Ana and Grandma' have been here today.
While Grandma' and me are watching TV, Ana want to play with my toys.

She can just go ahead, as long as she do not disturb us.
So nice to be back on Grandma's lap.

Ha, ha... Look at Ana! She thinks my puzzle piece is a biscuit or what?

But, I have to admit, after been to Norway and been cruising around on my Yamaha 660 ccm ATV,
I realize my 3 wheel bike is just a toy, not a real bike....

"Daddy, look at these wheels, just plastic...."

" Didn't you say something the other day of buying a Harley Davidson....?
Let's go!!"


  1. Loved his vest! so macho! haha....
    Ana had a haircut...or is it because her hair dont stand up the way it used to be anymore?

  2. She got a trim and her hair is growing so it is not standing anymore :)
